5 tips to get perfect skin on your face

Rosemary water can help us reduce all those spots and redness that come from the cold or hormonal changes.
Perfect, healthy, smooth and flawless skin is the dream of many women . Sometimes we spend high amounts of money on beauty treatments that do not always offer us the expected result.
Don’t worry, we give you simple and inexpensive skin remedies that you will love. They are very fast to prepare and you will find the ingredients without problems.
Tips for getting perfect skin
As you already know, our skin is also a reflection of our health. A skin without redness, well hydrated and with elasticity is a reflection of a correct diet where we do not lack adequate vitamins and minerals.
But it is not always easy to achieve that perfect skin, due to the effect of time, food , the sun, the wind or those hormonal changes that cause small acne attacks. All this undoubtedly blurs that balance that we all want to show off beautiful and healthy skin.
But do not worry, we will explain simple remedies for that day to day. By this we do not mean at all that you dispense with the treatment prescribed by your dermatologist and your usual creams . These remedies are a simple and inexpensive way to complement your beauty treatments . Let’s go there.
1. Oatmeal and baking soda scrub

Indicated to do it once a week, no more. And what will we achieve? A luminous, youthful skin without impurities. We will clean the skin of dead cells, also activating its circulation. It is a remedy for which even today there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness, so it is preferable that you consult your dermatologist before using it.
To prepare it you only need two tablespoons of oatmeal, one of baking soda and a little water . You just have to mix everything, getting a kind of cream. The important thing is that there remains a thick paste that we can apply to the skin.
Once applied, do a circular massage to exfoliate and remove dead cells, for at least 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. You will see how well you are doing!
2. Facial toner with green tea

Green tea is widely believed to be an excellent remedy to soften and activate our skin. Although there is no evidence, it is considered very suitable to do in the morning or at night , thus cleaning our skin very well and promoting circulation.
We only have to prepare a cup of green tea, with two sachets. Once it has boiled and rested, put it in the refrigerator for a little while. When it is cold we take a cotton ball and we pass it all over the skin of the face , you will notice an immediate relief and the skin more toned.
3. How to eliminate redness

Sometimes we get small spots, redness that appear with the changes of season, with the cold or with small hormonal changes. Nothing happens, we can solve it with a simple remedy based on honey and rosemary water . According to some studies , honey is wonderful for wound repair, due to its antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.
You just have to make an infusion with three rosemary branches with half a glass of water. Let it come to a boil and add three tablespoons of honey.
When it is still warm -not hot- apply it with a cotton ball or a small compress on the face , leaving it to act for at least 15 minutes. Then rinse with water and apply a moisturizer. You will do great.
4. Treatment for blackheads

Who does not have some area of the face with black dots ? On the nose, above all, it is something normal and something that we always try to fight from a young age. Well, an ideal way to eliminate them little by little, according to popular belief, is a simple remedy based on natural yogurt and lemon .
No, you only need two tablespoons of plain yogurt and one tablespoon of lemon juice. We make a very homogeneous mixture and apply it in that most critical area . Leave to act for about 20 minutes and then rinse with plenty of water. Doing it every night will help you have perfect skin. You should always use sun protection.
5. Remove and relieve small scars on the face

Sometimes, the acne leaves us these classic signs that do not go over time. Wounds that leave scars, skin imperfections that we usually hide with makeup and that bother us so much. How to soften them? What to do to make them disappear little by little?
An ideal treatment is rosehip oil . You can easily find it in natural stores and even perfume shops. It is not very expensive and you can find both creams, like the classic rosehip oil.
You just have to apply it with a cotton pad every day , making a small massage to reactivate circulation and thus ensuring that the oil reaches the epidermis well.
Remember that these remedies are recommended that you use them with the consent of your dermatologist. You will tell us!