2 Yoga poses to rest in balance

These balance poses give you both physical and mental stability. Remembering that the earth sustains and propels you up will help you maintain them.
Human beings are biped mammals , a rarity that makes us very unstable creatures: we have a minimal base of support, a high center of gravity (located slightly below the navel) and, proportionally, a very heavy brain.
Staying in balance , as we are used to doing since we started walking, involves some muscular effort .
However, it should not be achieved by force . This is more of a “surveillance without tension”, as defined in yoga a reconciliation of opposing forces in which the weight of the body is discharged onto the feet but which at the same time, the ground support is received to through the arches of the feet, like an ascending energy.
In yoga practice, the first few lessons usually focus on the simple act of standing up straight and feeling the three points of contact between the foot and the ground (located at the heel, the base of the big toe and the base of the toe). little finger, forming a triangle).
At the same time, the crown must be felt rising towards the sky . In this basic posture ( Tadasana or mountain pose , with the arms on either side of the body), the arches of the feet are activated and their connection to the pelvic floor, lower abdomen, rib cage, cervical spine is felt. and the crown.
Every posture should combine shock and hold, give and take, breathe in and breathe out.
Standing postures in general, and that of Tadasana in particular, constitute one of the best ways to restore the feet to their natural strength and adaptability , since rigid footwear and paved surfaces make the feet passive and inarticulate.
Once the feet become lively and stronger, it is much easier to put the rest of the body in order , since nothing durable can be built on a shaky foundation. the more strength and adaptability you have in the feet and ankles, the more options you will have to find balance in postures on a single supporting leg .

1. Tree Pose
Bring the weight of the body to the right foot. Fix your gaze on one point to help you focus and stay balanced for the rest of the exercise.When you feel ready, take your left foot off the ground and bring it to the inside of your right thigh . Try not to move your hips and especially not push your knee with your foot.Bring your palms together in front of your chest and take a few deep breaths. If you look stable, slowly raise your hands and stretch your arms up, without separating your palms, for a few more seconds.Undo the pose and repeat on the other side.

2. Eagle Pose
Starting from tadasana, bring the weight of the body to the left foot and fix your gaze on a point, to help you focus and maintain balance.When you feel ready, separate your right leg from the ground, slightly flex your left knee, and wrap your right leg around the left, as if the right leg is hugging the left. Keep the coccyx inward.Raise your arms to chest height and wrap your left arm around your right so that your left arm is above your right. The elbows are raised and the stretch is felt in the back.Stay like this for a few seconds, slowly undo the posture trying not to lose balance and change sides.